
When I was first told I had breast cancer, I think I just shut down and immediately went into shock. The thought of “Why is this happening to me?” kept going over and over inside my head. And then I met Dr. Kolluri. The moment Dr. Kolluri walked into the exam room I was at ease. I immediately fell in love with her, as did my daughter, which was on the phone during my visit and exam. Dr. Kolluri went ABOVE and BEYOND to explain exactly what was going on; being sure to keep my daughter informed and answered any, and all questions. I find Dr. Kolluri to be a very caring and empathetic individual. I felt so at ease after visiting with her. She took my concerns and explained in a very detailed way (even drawing pictures) so that I could understand completely. She explained the disease and how she felt my process would go and welcomed me into the circle so that I could have a say in my recovery. I immediately felt the warmth and compassion from her and her entire team. Dr. Kolluri is an exceptional doctor. I am so grateful to have found her. I don’t think I would have made it through all this if it had not been for her infectious encouragement on my outcome. Her and her entire team are my Super Stars, and I could not be more grateful and thankful that I am privileged to call her my doctor. Thank you Dr. Kolluri.